Momprenuer- this word gets used a lot lately. We are living in a world where it's "cool" to be a momboss. In my opinion, whether you work outside of the home, or are a SAHM, it's still work!!! In fact, it's harder to stay home and be a full-time mom (been there, done that).
For all you mommas out there, myself, along with some other super moms, have collaborated with LegalZoom to give you our most valuable productivity hacks that help us get through the day, and not just get through but actually enjoy it.
I know how hard it is to run a household, take care of two kids (one of which has severe ADHD), operate and run a brick and mortar business, run my online business, eat healthy, maintain a social life, keep the romance alive with my husband, and workout. Oh- and keep my skin glowing!! It. Is. Hard. A.F.
Here are 3 tried and true hacks that work for me:
1. Ziploc bags for the win! My girls are very involved with their clothes selection, so, on Sundays we pick out their outfits for the week, and put them each in Ziploc bags with the day of the week labeled on it. My mornings have gotten so much easier! No more fights, no more drama- Moms of know what I mean?!
2. Ziploc bags for dinner (are you noticing a theme here?).
I have Mondays off, so that's when I do a little meal prep. I'm not the best cook, let's get that clear, but I can follow a simple recipe. I like to cook healthy foods, and I use the crockpot a lot (especially in the winter). I buy big packs of chicken breasts (or any other proteins) and divide them up into Ziploc bags and add different homemade marinades- don't forget to label them! For instance, I'll do a Greek Chicken marinade with olive oil, lemon, sea salt, oregano. It's easy to grab and grill, bake, or slow cook these pre- portioned out meals. Add a bag of frozen organic rice, steam a bag veggies. Voila! You have dinner- and it's semi homemade too. I like bags apparently, lol!
3. My last and favorite- AMAZON FRESH
I have been using this service for over a year now. It is a freaking game changer! Is there anything more annoying than grocery shopping? Time is precious and I don't want to be stuck pushing a cart and getting my car dinged in the parking lot. Not. Fun. I love online shopping, so it's only natural that I get my food online too. They have tons of healthy organic options, sales, and great produce options. They do doorstep delivery and anytime I ever have an issue with a damaged item, it gets fixed immediately.
I hope you try some of my hacks! If you are a momprenuer like me and you need a little help in your business, I created a social media content calendar template for you! It's free, and easy to download. I love planning out my content for the week- again time saving! You can grab it here
If you want to read the full article and get some more really great mom hacks go to LegalZoom
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